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I enjoy using a mix of research methods to fully understand a problem and tell an impactful story.

Votio, Influencing Voter Participation 

Mixed method research study and design solution 

Family and Community: An Ethnographic Exploration of the Sport-Parent Experience

In the United States, when you turn 18 you become eligible to vote.  However, the 18-24 year old voter group consistently under-participates with voting rates below 50%. Our team set out to understand the narrative around these numbers and proposed a non-partisan solution that we believe will increase voter participation in the 18-24 year old population. 

Team: Jessica Carr, Mamiko Hirose, Julie Mills and John Zoshak. 


Read the Case Study


Summary Video:  YouTube 


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HandiMaps Mobile Application

Usability + Generative Study

Family and Community: An Ethnographic Exploration of the Sport-Parent Experience

Seattle start-up, HandiMaps, was working on the first version of their mobile application to help people who use wheelchairs find their way in large event venues.  As part of the Human Centered Design & Engineering Masters degree program at the University of Washington, my teammates and I partnered with Handimaps to create and deliver their 1st-ever usability test + generative insights. 


Team: Jessica Carr, Madeline Kleiner and Leo Salemann.


Read the Case Study


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Mental Health Strategies for Older Adults

Generative Qualitative Research

Family and Community: An Ethnographic Exploration of the Sport-Parent Experience

Qualitative human-subject research study focusing on understanding the experience of older adults participating in behavior changing therapies. This project was led by UW PhD candidate, Elena Agapie, with a team of graduate researchers: Jessica Carr, Ava Coe, Dawn Ferguson, Rachel Kangas and Cyndi Thompson.


Research Questions

  • How do people implement strategies to support their mental health?

  • How is this therapy process like the design process?

  • Where are the points of friction? and ease?

  • What feelings are encountered at different stages of the therapy process?


Research Methods + Design

Our team followed the lived-experience of client and therapists who are using specific behavior change therapies Problem Solving Therapy (PST) and Engage. We listened to recorded therapy sessions and created conversation visualizations of the exchanges during specific session. We interviewed clients and therapists, asking them about distinct phases of the therapy.  Some clients participated in a diary study to record their challenges and successes between weekly sessions.  Our team has developed a code book and corresponding memos that articulate findings and themes. 


Impact + What I Learned

Our team submitted proposals for academic papers based on this work, but the purpose for me was to provide a new HCDE perspective back to practicing therapists with the hopes of improving the experience of using these therapies.   


Working with a large and unstructured data set and creating the code book in a series of iterations was an instructive research exercise for me.  This was a challenging and sobering project since the individuals we studied shared private and emotional material. Using REDCap, we followed a strict human research subjects protocol when working with the data.  All of the clients are older adults with depression and it was a privilege to learn from their experiences.



© 2023 Jessica Carr


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